Twitter might currently resemble a dumpster fire but without it we never would not have connected with Amy who is now spending two months in the Depledge Lab to provide expert bioinformatics support to several ongoing Oxford Nanopore Technology-based projects underway in the lab.
We are always excited to host and hopefully inspire the next generation of scientists. Ella Gripp was the latest visitor to our lab, learning the inns and outs of nanopore sequencing under the careful guidance of Ruth.
Jonathan Abebe, Ph.D. Today, Jonathan became the first PhD student to graduate from the Depledge Lab! He successfully defended his thesis entitled ‘One RNA at a time – Decoding the (epi-)transcriptomic landscape of viruses’. Congratulations to Jonathan and thank you to his advisory committee (Kelly Ruggles, Angus Wilson](, and Alexander Serganov) and external examiner (David Matthews